If you are interested in a career in Nutrition, this is the place!
We offer Certificates in Nutrition Education, Dietetic Technology and Community Nutrition Assistant. Be sure to enroll in FN/NC 100 Careers in Dietetics and Food Science early in your program to learn the difference.
If you are interested in becoming a Registered Dietitian, take FN 100 Careers in Nutrition & Food Science, FN 170 Nutrition and FN 180 Principles of Food and your science requirements here, before transferring to a 4 year college.
Contact Elizabeth Blake MS RD at eblake@occ.cccd.edu or (714) 432-5835 x 5
If you are interested in a career in Food Science/Culinology, this is the place!
Culinology is the blending of culinary arts and the science of food. Courses at 快播视频 include Culinary Arts and Food Science and prepare you to transfer to California State University, Pomona in Food Science with a emphasis in Culinology. Be sure to take FN 100 Careers in Nutrition and Food Science early in your program to learn about the career and educational requirements.
For more information Culinology, Food Science and Dietetics, you may visit these professional organizations:
Contact Us
(714) 432-5835 ext. 5
Office Hours
Sat & Sun, Closed