Member Benefits
- Free 快播视频 Parking Pass (for Lifetime Members)
- Access to the 快播视频 Library
- Complimentary 快播视频 library card
- Advance Entry to FOTL Book Sales
- Discounts to Select Campus Events with your Membership Card
- Weekly College E-Newsletter "The Tide Report"
- Volunteer Opportunities
Annual Memberships | Fee |
Individual | $20 |
Couple | $30 |
Lifetime (per person) | $150 |
Potential members must be 18 years or older to join the Friends.
For more information, call (714) 432-0202 x21058.
- President: Kevin Ballinger
- Vice President (Programs): Ann Harmer
- Treasurer/Mailings/Foundation: Rene Kinn
- Recording Secretary: Shelley Lowrey
- Book Sale, Banff Film Festival and Donations: Carl Morgan
- Foundation: Doug Bennett