☐ Course Information
- Course Name, Number, and Section
- Class Meeting Time, Location
- Prerequisites, if any
- List of GE requirements that course meets, if any
☐ Faculty Contact Information
- Faculty Name and Title
- Office Number/Building
- Office Phone and Fax Number, E-mail Address
- Office Hours
☐ Course Materials
- Required Readings/Texts
- Suggested Readings
- E-mail Account and Other Instructional Technologies
- Supplemental Instruction
- Course Packets, Other Materials
☐ Course Description
- Goal/Rationale of the Course
- How the course will benefit the student and format so student understands what to expect.
☐ Learning Objectives
- What the students will gain from your course. Why you chose these objectives as important.
☐ Student Learning Outcomes
- Describe what the student will be able to do with the knowledge and skills they learn from course.
☐ Teaching Philosophy
- What is your approach for teaching this course? What do you think students should do to best benefit from the course? Include your expected teaching methods and a statement regarding students’ responsibility for their own learning. Describe faculty responsibilities.
☐ Student Responsibilities
- Participation
- Homework
- Other Expectations
- Projects, including information on group processes
- Tests/Exams
☐ Grading Policy
- Evaluation Policy including weight of each assignment, test, project, peer evaluation, etc. Use rubric to clearly delineate information.
- Extra Credit options (if any)
- Attendance/Lateness Policy
- Policy for Late Work
- Policy for Missed Tests
☐ Course Calendar
- Class Meeting Dates
- Holidays/Other Non-meeting Dates
- Major Topics/ Areas of Discussion
- Due Dates for Readings, Assignments, Tests, Projects, etc. (pre-built function in Canvas)
☐ 快播视频 Policies
- Academic Honesty or Plagiarism
- Classroom Etiquette
- Disabled Students Program & Services Policy Statement.
- Accessibility Policy Statement
- Audio & Video Recording Prohibited Statement
☐ Additional Resources:
- “How to make it work:” Tips for College Success
- Campus resources: Tutoring Services, Computer Labs (MBCC Computing Center), Counseling, Transfer Center, etc.
- Supplemental Instruction and On-line resource support.
A printable version is available.