The 快播视频 Chamber Singers and Chorale are looking for new members! If you’re a singer, you’re enthusiastically invited to audition for our terrific ensembles during the first week of classes.
The Chamber Singers, our most select ensemble, meets from 12:05 to 1:35 on Mondays and Wednesdays. The Chorale, our larger chorus, meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:45 to 3:00.
Here’s what you need to know:
* An informational meeting will take place in Music Room 101 on Monday, January 31, at 12:05 p.m. Auditions will begin immediately afterward. (If you have class at 12:05, please come as soon as you’re able.)
* You don’t need to prepare a formal solo, but do be ready to sing at least a portion of a song that you feel shows off your abilities.
* Brush up your music-reading! You’ll be asked to read (or attempt to read) a brief excerpt of simple music in your range.
* Admission to the ensembles is by audition only. You do NOT need to be currently registered in order to get in—and if you are currently registered, that’s not a guarantee of admission! Be sure to come on Monday if you want to sing!
For more information, please contact director Eliza Rubenstein at erubenstein@occ.cccd.edu. Hope to see and hear you on Monday!