It’s almost time to begin a new season of singing at 快播视频! We hope you’ll consider auditioning for a choral ensemble and/or private voice lessons. Please read on for the details!
The Chorale (Music 120), our largest chorus, is open to singers with a wide range of experience and meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:45 to 3:00.
The Chamber Singers (Music 122), our most select ensemble, meets from 12:05 to 1:35 on Mondays and Wednesdays. Chamber Singers is generally a full-year commitment, but we do consider highly qualified singers with outstanding musicianship and music-reading skills for mid-year admission.
Private voice lessons (Music 290), which are available to a limited number of qualified students, are scheduled individually. Singers who do not receive private lessons are strongly encouraged to enroll in a group voice class!
New singers are requested to attend an informational meeting on Monday, January 27, at 1:45 p.m. in Music Room 101. We will discuss the opportunities available for singers this semester, and hold informal auditions for ensembles and private lessons. Admission to ensembles and voice lessons is by audition only.
You do NOT need to be currently registered in order to get in—and if you are currently registered, that’s not a guarantee of admission. Be sure to come on Monday if you want to sing!
Want to be especially prepared? If you’re auditioning for private lessons, please be ready to sing a song in the classical tradition that reflects your abilities, and please be sure you have two copies of your sheet music to bring with you. If you’re auditioning for a choral ensemble only, you don’t need to prepare a formal solo, but we will ask you to sing at least an excerpt of a song that demonstrates your skill. Also, brush up your music-reading—you’ll be asked to read (or attempt to read) a brief excerpt of simple music in your range.
Confused? Don’t worry! Everything will become clear on Monday the 27th, and if you have questions before then, please contact director Eliza Rubenstein at erubenstein@occ.cccd.edu. Thanks for your interest, and we’re excited to see and hear you!