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Pursuant to the Government Code Section 54955 and 54954.2(b) (3), the SG첥Ƶ Student Senate may adjourn, reconvene, and re-adjourn from time to time, as may be necessary to transact the business of the Student Senate. Unfinished items on the agenda may be trailed to the following meeting pending the approval of the Student Senate. Those wishing to address the Student Senate shall be present during public forum and express their concern. For further information, please contact the Student Leadership Coordinator Dr. Julie Nguyen at jnguyen378@occ.cccd.edu Organizational Items Call to Order New Business All items under new business are discussion items. Attachments are available in the AS첥Ƶ Office. II.01 AS첥Ƶ Training & Team-building Activities Training and team-building activities related to the AS첥Ƶ program including professional and personal development. Public Forum This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Student Senate on issues on or not already appearing on the agenda. A limit of five (5) minutes per speaker and fifteen (15) minutes per topic will be enforced. This is not a period of discussion for the Student Senate, however, the Student Senate President may respond to specific questions and concerns made by the public. Adjournment      NUMPAGES 1/2  PAGE 1/2 +34g      ʺ|maUa|I=aIaUah%^B*OJQJphh>B*OJQJphh_B*OJQJphh"B*OJQJphh%h7B*OJQJphh 7B*OJQJphh%hS,B*OJQJph$h%hS,5B*CJOJQJphhA65B*CJOJQJphh>5B*CJOJQJphh%^hM5CJOJQJ\$h%^hG6B*CJOJQJ\ph$h%^hS,B*CJOJQJ\ph4g  j }  & Fdgd?9 dgd?9 $$da$gd"$$da$gd" $da$gd%^ $da$gd%^ $da$gd. $a$gdM $da$gd.       j ) * + , - . : ɽoYoYRF>h0t]OJQJjh0t]OJQJU h0t]h0t]*jh"h"B*OJQJUaJphU!h"h"B*OJQJaJphUh"h"OJQJjh"h"OJQJUh"h"OJQJaJh%^OJPJQJh%^CJOJPJQJhS,B*OJQJphh)NB*OJQJphh>B*OJQJphh%hS,B*OJQJphh%h \XB*OJQJph: Y [ \ { | } & . 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