

Accreditation Coordinating Committee

Accreditation Coordinating Committee

The mission of the Accreditation Coordinating Committee (ACC) is to provide a forum for coordinating the college’s efforts in achieving and maintaining compliance with ACCJC standards.


  • The ACC serves to communicate accreditation standards and processes to the campus community as well as ensuring campus-wide participation.
  • The ACC creates and disseminates an annual planning calendar for the completion of program review, assessment, and other related accreditation goals.
  • The ACC oversees the production of reports to the ACCJC and ensures the authenticity of these documents.
  • The ACC monitors and reports progress on the implementation of accreditation recommendations and standards.


Accreditation Coordinating Committee Members
Name Representing
Sheri Sterner Accreditation Liaison Officer | Institutional Effectiveness Dean | Co-Chair
Anna Hanlon Institutional Effectiveness Coordinator | Co-Chair
Charles Otwell Academic Senate
Charlene Reed Academic Senate
Curtis Williams Classified Senate
Linda Tiger Classified Union (CFCP)
Lori Pullman Curriculum Committee Chair
Michael Sutliff Instructional Dean
Laura Behr Online Advisory Board Coordinator
Rendell Drew President, Academic Senate
Jeanette Grimm President, Classified Senate
Elizabeth Page Student Services Program Review Coordinator
Rich Pagel Vice President, Administrative Services
Tara Giblin Vice President, Instruction
Madjid Niroumand Vice President, Student Services