快播视频聽Alpha Gamma Sigma
Alpha Gamma Sigma is the California Community College Scholastic Honor Society. Founded in 1926, AGS has chapters at most community college campuses in the state. The AGS focus is on developing leadership skills, global understanding, and social conscientiousness through campus and community service projects.
Members in good standing are eligible to compete for state-wide (awarded each spring at the state convention) and the 快播视频 chapter scholarships. Selections of scholarship recipients are based on several of the following criteria: GPA, active participation in AGS chapter activities, essay, significant campus/community service hours, and length of continuous membership in AGS.
Membership benefits include eligibility for scholarship consideration, AGS conference attendance, campus and community service opportunities, social interaction with members of this and other honor societies, and election to chapter officer positions. In addition, Permanent Members receive a certificate to acknowledge their accomplishment, the privilege of wearing honors regalia with their caps and gowns at graduation, a special notation of their Permanent Membership status on official 快播视频 transcripts, and the official AGS seal on their diplomas.
快播视频 our Alpha Kappa Chapter
NEW: Chapter bylaws amendments to bring membership eligibility requirements in line with AGS State bylaws effective July 1, 2011.
Over the past forty years, our chapter has maintained a much higher GPA and grading standard than the AGS State bylaws requires. As a result, our members frequently found themselves ineligible for membership renewals, despite their significant contributions to the chapter, and made being an active member exceedingly difficult while maintaining a high GPA over the course of three, four or more semesters.
In an effort to encourage more involvement with chapter activities and projects, and to provide more 快播视频 students with the opportunity to be a member of an honor society, our chapter has adopted the state minimum requirements for membership.
To find out more, please email a chapter officer or advisor. Contact info can be found under "Officers and Contact Info" in the menu on the left.
Leadership Positions Officers for AGS are elected at the end of each spring semester for one-year terms (or as needed in the case of transfers, resignations, or removals from office). A member may be re-elected to any officer position, once per position. To run for office, candidates must be in good standing with the chapter (current on dues, qualifying GPA and coursework requirements met). Elected positions include President (or Co-Presidents), Vice-President, Secretary (or Recording Secretary and Membership Secretary), and Treasurer. The President may appoint other positions as needed.