

Fun Math Stuff

Please send your favorite math jokes, images, links for everyone to enjoy (please provide credit where appropriate: mat@occ.cccd.edu


Check out these short talks on TED.com:

By analyzing raw data on violent incidents in the Iraq war and others, Sean Gourley and his team claim to have found a surprisingly strong mathematical relationship linking the fatality.

At TED2010, mathematics legend Benoit Mandelbrot develops a theme he first discussed at TED in 1984 -- the extreme.

Robert Lang merges mathematics with aesthetics to fold elegant modern origami. His scientific approach helps him make folds once.

In his work in applied mathematics, Steven Strogatz studies the way math and biology intersect.

Oxford's newest science ambassador Marcus du Sautoy is also author of The Times' Sexy Maths column. He'll take you footballing with prime numbers, whopping symmetry groups, higher dimensions...

Artificial intelligence -- and using computing metaphors to understand the human mind. His contributions to mathematics, robotics and computational linguistics are legendary and far-reaching.

Inventor, scientist, author, engineer -- over his broad career, Danny Hillis has turned his ever-searching brain on an array of subjects, with surprising results.

A consultant to the CIA and the Department of Defense, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita has built an intricate computer model that can predict the outcomes of international conflicts with bewildering accuracy.