

Program Information

Associate of Science Degree

Students who complete the may elect to complete additional general education and unit requirements to complete an Associate of Science Degree.

It is suggested that students meet with an Academic Counselor to determine what course are required for their specific degree path.

Sample Courses

  • Integrative Health Coach Principles and Practice
  • Clinical Skills for Integrative Health Coach
  • Integrative Health Coach Principles and Practice II
  • Navigating the U.S. Health Care System, Health Insurance, Public Assistance and Benefit Programs
  • Techniques and Topics in Health Education
  • Introduction to Complimentary Alternative Medicine

For a list of complete courses, please refer to the .

Supervised Practice (Internship)

The program requires that students participate in scheduled supervised practice. Assignments provide students with hands-on application of knowledge and skills learned in the classroom. Students will apply the skills and knowledge learned at contracted hospitals, medical centers, nonprofit/community-based agencies and/or outpatient facilities.

Does the program transfer?

Many units of the Integrative Health Coach program may transfer to degree in Community Health, Health Educators, Patient Navigators, and healthcare coaches.

Professional Outlook

Overall employment of health coaches, health educators, and community health workers are projected to   grow 16 percent from 2016 to 2026, much faster than the average for all occupations.

*As stated in the .


$13-$34/hour, depending upon position, experience, employer and location.