

Marine Science Full-Time Faculty

Karen Baker (Professor)

Karen BakerKaren has worked at 快播视频 Coast College since 2005 in the Marine Science Department. Her love of the ocean has continued since her study abroad experience in St. Andrews Scotland, as well as her graduate work at San Diego State University. At San Diego State University she studied the behavior of bottlenose dolphins with R.H. Defran at the Cetacean Behavior Laboratory. Her favorite pastime is eating pizza.

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(714) 432-0202 ext. 23067


Lewis 105

Mary Blasius (Instructor & Aquarium Coordinator)

Mary Blasius
Mary has worked at 快播视频 Coast College since 2007.  She attended California State University Long Beach for her Master’s focusing her thesis research on legacy contaminants such as DDT in stranded seals and sea lions in southern California. Mary continues to be an active researcher in the field of environmental contamination with over ten peer-reviewed publications with her most recent research paper examining cigarette butt pollution in the marine environment. 

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Robert Ellis (Professor)

Robert EllisRob has worked at 快播视频 Coast College since 2011. He served as the director of the 快播视频 Aquarium for 9 years and has coauthored three oceanography textbook editions with 快播视频 Professor Emeritus, Tom Garrison. When not on campus, Rob often helps develop and teach international field courses in marine science and management in various parts of the Caribbean, Central America, and the South Pacific. His graduate work focused on marine resource management at UC Santa Barbara, and he has participated in and managed research projects and educational programs in many parts of the world.

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(714) 432-0202 ext. 23375


Lewis 106

Marine Science Part-Time Faculty

Jeff Armstrong

Jeff Armstrong

Dr. Jeff Armstrong is the Environmental Supervisor of the 快播视频 County Sanitation District’s Ocean Monitoring Program. He has been with OC San for over 27 years, all in Ocean Monitoring. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology and a master’s degree in Biology from the California State University, Long Beach, and a Ph.D. in Biological Oceanography from City University Los Angeles. Dr. Armstrong was formerly an adjunct professor of marine biology at CSU Long Beach where he worked in the Environmental Endocrinology Laboratory researching the effects of contaminant on the marine environment. Dr. Armstrong’s professional experience and interests include ocean water and sediment quality assessments, fish and invertebrate community health monitoring, and how marine policy and environmental law shape ocean conservation efforts.

Ty Frantz

Ty Frantz Dept photoTy has worked at 快播视频 Coast College since 2024. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a Concentration in Marine Biology, and a Master of Science in Biology, both from Cal State Fullerton. His master's research investigated how factors such as season, depth, and substrate orientation influence the recruitment dynamics and succession on an artificial reef in San Diego Bay. He has also assisted with other research that investigates the impacts of human-introduced habitats on native and non-native species in Southern California. Ty has also worked for 5+ years in informal education at the Aquarium of the Pacific, where he aims to inspire marine conservation and stewardship to a broad audience. 

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Greg Gardiner

Greg GardinerGreg Gardiner is a veteran teacher with 24 years of experience. His Bachelor’s degree is in Biology from Whittier College and he has two Master’s degrees, the first in Environmental Studies from California State University Fullerton with emphasis in Environmental Sciences and the second in Educational Leadership. He began teaching at Edison High School in 2001 as a Biology and Environmental Science Teacher in the Huntington Beach Union High School District. In 2018, Greg was selected as district, county and California State Teacher of the Year. Ten years ago, he established the Innovation Labs for students to learn and gain experience about aquaculture, aquarium sciences, aquaponics, and hydroponics.

Don Johnston

Don Johnston

Don has worked at 快播视频 Coast College since 2014 in the Marine Science Department. Don found his passion for studying the Ocean while attending 快播视频 Coast College straight out of High School. After Graduating from California State Long Beach, he worked as a Marine Field Biologist studying human impacts along the southern California Coast. He was hired by a local high school to expand its Marine Science program, which he has been working at for 25 years.

Angelina Komatovich

Angelina KomatovichAngelina has worked at 快播视频 Coast College since 2022. She graduated from California State University, Long Beach, with a bachelor’s in marine biology. She completed her Master of Arts in biology from Miami University, which included field work in Mexico, Thailand, and Peru. Her graduate school work focused on increasing conservation awareness to inspire students to be more environmentally and globally conscious citizens. Angelina has more than 17 years of professional experience working in animal care in aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). She is very familiar with local flora and fauna having lived on Santa Catalina Island. On campus, she probably always has a cup of coffee in hand.

Lisa Snyder

Lisa Snyder

Lisa has been working at 快播视频 Coast College since 2004 in both the Marine Science and the Environmental Science and Ecology Departments.  Her graduate work, at California State University, Long Beach, focused on estuary restoration in Southern California and human impacts on the natural environment.