快播视频 uses a priority registration system based on state requirements in assigning a priority registration window to
Help new students get started by following important steps for success
Reward continuing students who are making steady progress toward their goals.
To find your registration date for the current semester, visit your portal. Locate the "Registration Tools" card and click on "When Can I Register?". (Note: If it is your first time logging on to this screen, you may be asked to complete some action items before proceeding.)
You must complete the following steps if you want to receive priority registration.
- Apply
- Complete orientation
- Create an educational plan
Priority Registration Order
Level 1 - Students (excluding concurrently enrolled high school students) who completed the required steps and
Are in good academic and/or progress standing
Have not earned more than 100 degree-applicable units within the Coast Community College District (Coastline Community College, Golden West College, and 快播视频 Coast College)
Level 2 - Students (excluding concurrently enrolled high school students) who completed steps for level 1 with the exception:
A counselor-approved Student Education Plan (SEP) on file does NOT have a specified Course of Study that leads to an Associate Degree (AA, AS, or ADT), transfer, State-approved Certificate of Achievement, or career advancement
Level 3 - All other students who do not meet the requirements for Level 1 & 2 (excluding concurrently enrolled high school students).
Level 4 - Concurrently enrolled high school students
For each level, students will register in the following order:
- Veterans, Foster Youth, DSPS, EOPS, CalWorks, and
- International Students
- Students in specific college designated athletics programs
- Continuing Students with 99.9 or fewer units within the Coast District and enrolled during the previous fall or spring semester
- New (has never enrolled in classes within the Coast District)
- Returning Students (students previously enrolled in classes that have missed two consecutive primary semesters Fall & Spring)