

Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

At 快播视频 Coast College, we recognize that student health and safety are foundational to academic success. The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is comprised of professionals from various disciplines across the college, dedicated to maintaining a safe and supportive environment. Our primary goal is to gather information and assess situations effectively to develop interventions that defuse volatility, mitigate threats, and provide essential help and resources to students and our campus community, both on and off campus.

Meet the Behavioral Intervention Team:

  • Dr. Derek Vergara, Dean of Students
  • Jamaal Tatum, Employee Relations Manager
  • James Rudy, Director, Campus Safety
  • Jamie Kammerman, Director, Housing & Residential Education
  • Jason Constein, Director, Accessibility Resource Center
  • Kelly Daly, Director, Student Health Center
  • Larry Valentine, Director, Mental Health Services
  • Shannon Quihuiz, Dean, Student Relations & Title IX
  • Steve Rickard, Student Conduct Officer

Report a Concern:

If you encounter a student displaying distress or disruptive behavior, or who could benefit from additional support, please do not hesitate to act. You can file an incident report by clicking on the link below:


For inquiries about the Behavioral Intervention Team, please contact Shannon Quihuiz, Dean, Student Relations & Title IX at (714) 432-5930 or squihuiz@occ.cccd.edu

In an Emergency:

If you are in immediate danger or seriously injured

  • From any campus phone call 2-5555 or 911
  • From a mobile phone, call 快播视频 dispatch (714) 432-555 or 911

For non-emergency Campus Public Safety, call (714) 432-5017