The ARC program provides support services and educational accommodations to students with disabilities so that they can have full and equitable access to the community college experience.
ARC Student Rights:
- Receive services and reasonable accommodations based on disability-related educational limitations according to Section 504, Section 508, ADA, and Title 5 Guidelines
- Receive confidential treatment of disability-related information
- I understand that the ARC office may release information to professionals who have an educational need to know under (FERPA).
- Be treated with dignity and respect
- Appeal decisions made by the ARC Office
- Contact ARC immediately in cases where a grievance is related to an academic accommodation. Student grievance procedures may be found here: 快播视频 Coast College Complaint Process
- Participation in ARC shall be entirely voluntary
- Participating in ARC does not preclude the student from participating in any other course program, or activity offered by the college
- Appeal decisions made by the ARC Office
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ARC Student Responsibilities:
- I agree to provide ARC with the necessary documentation for disability verification prior to meeting with an ARC Counselor for an ARC intake meeting
- I understand that I must meet with an ARC counselor at least once a year to review my Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP)
- I agree to request/use approved accommodations in a timely/responsible manner each semester
- I agree to notify ARC of any appointment cancellations
- I agree to return any ARC equipment that is checked out at the end of each semester
- I agree to treat every ARC employee with dignity and respect
- I understand I must check my student email account for important information from ARC & 快播视频
- I understand I must meet 快播视频 academic standards
- I agree to maintain behavior appropriate for an educational setting as outlined in the 快播视频 Student Code of Conduct
I understand that certain accommodations have additional conditions that must be abided by for the continuation of services to students must abide by.
Eligible students may be denied services or accommodations through ARC.
Inappropriate use of services is defined as failure to comply with the 快播视频 Student Code of Conduct (Board Policy 3902) and/or failure to comply with the policies and procedures of individual services that the student is using. Failure to comply with the terms stated within each specific service area may result in the suspension of that service.
- Services or accommodations may be terminated in the middle of the semester.
- Prior to the termination of service, the student will be notified in writing that unless he/she meets with an ARC Counselor/Director to discuss the area of concern, the service will be automatically terminated for fourteen (14) academic days from the date of the letter.
- At the meeting with an ARC Counselor/Director, the student will sign a contract to continue/resume ARC Services, which outlines the guidelines for continuing services.
- Suspended services may be reinstated during the current semester only on the authorization of the ARC Director and only if there are extenuating circumstances that warrant the reinstatement of the service.
- Reinstatement of services for subsequent semesters can be considered.
Title 5 Section 56010(b) of the California Code of Regulations indicates that a district may adopt a written policy providing for the suspension or termination of ARC Services when a student fails to comply with responsible use of ARC Services, service provision policies, and measurable progress policies. Such policies shall provide for written notice to the student prior to suspension or termination and shall afford the student an opportunity to appeal the decision. Each student shall be given a copy of this policy upon first applying for services from ARC.
I understand that I must fulfill the requirements of my Students' Rights and Responsibilities in order to participate in ARC. I understand the consequences of failing to comply with the rules and the responsible use of ARC Services. I understand that I will be notified in writing before action is taken to suspend services. I affirm that I understand and agree with the Students' Rights and Responsibilities and ARC responsibilities of students, and will abide by them.