

Student Development Workshops and Training's

As an 快播视频 student, there are many different ways to increase your leadership skills and gain experience to be the best leader you can be! You can join student government, start a club/organization, participate in community service, attend leadership workshops, and much more.


Calculus Review for Calculus-based Physics: Are you in one of the calculus-based Physics classes and feel like you could use a calculus review? Come for a crash review of Algebra, Trig, and Calculus 1! 

Physics Technical Writing and Lab Skills: Workshop for all levels of Physics on how to produce a strong lab report. Learn everything you need to know about Word and Excel. Topics include: typing equations, proper lab format, formatting plots, interpreting plots, and more.

Math Review for Non-STEM Majors: Are you a non-STEM major taking an Astronomy, Geology, or Physics course to satisfy GE requirements and are in need of a Math review? If so, this workshop is for you! We will be reviewing all of the necessary Math skills needed for your course, as recommended by your instructors. Skills reviewed will include topics from Algebra, Basic Trigonometry, and plot/graph reading and production.

STEM Homework and Problem Solving Skills: This workshop is specifically designed for students in STEM classes to develop homework and problem-solving skills. Learn strategies and techniques for reducing the amount of time spent studying for exams by changing the way you think about and do homework! Learn how to create a more robust study guide. Learn how to solve problems and study based on the expectations of the exam instead of just memorizing information and formulas.

STEM Exam Prep: This workshop is specifically designed for students in science classes to prepare for exams. Learn how to make a study guide and how to keep it organized, how to prepare for the exam efficiently and effectively, and how to approach old problems in new ways.



All events are ADA compliant. Reasonable accommodation requests related to a disability should be made no later than five business days prior to this event by contacting the Student Life & Leadership Department at (714) 432-5730 or studentlife@occ.cccd.edu